From my audience feedback I have learnt that it is vital to gather a variety of views, from various locations, networks and websites. The main type of audience feedback I used was Youtube. Youtube allowed me to have statistics on where my video was being watched, how many views it had, if it had been viewed from a mobile device and whether anyone had liked my video. I learnt from my audience feedback that it did not just attract people from the uk, but also from france and australia. Youtube allowed me to see this on a map of where my video had been viewed. I also learnt from audience feedback that new media technology is a good way of getting a product into the market, within 12days my video had gained 66 views from the public very few being from the people I knew as I did not put my video onto facebook.
Another way in which I gathered audience feedback was through teachers and classmates, the first time my video was watched I was told the introduction was good although it was too long and needed to be editing and merge with other footage. This was good as I could gather information on how to make my product more appealing and not boring.
Another form of Audience feedback was polls on my blog. This wasn't very effective as not many people had the link to my blog address meaning that only one person did the poll on my blog.

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