Tuesday, 14 December 2010

This is a video by Four Tet- smile upon my face.
Throughout the music video the close up of the man is displayed with various different happenings going on behind him, when the beat picks up, the background changes to a different emotion, so if there was a drop in the music then the reaction is displayed within the video.
Smile around the face conveys a simples message about the joys of life aswell as the lows of life, this can be seen at various points within the video such as when the children appear.
The music video is very fitting to the music, any changes in beat, tempo or pace are reflected.

This is a fan-made video for another XX song called Intro. To create more impact the visuals of the video changes when the beat kicks in.

I made a response to the above two videos, I used a time lapse to make a video for four tet she moves she song. Everytime there is a 'misplaced beat' a brake light comes on, the car turns a corner, a smooth beat in the music and the video goes out of focus etc

Industry Professional

Risk assessment


To start my research I decided to look into different types of music video. To begin with I started looking at pop music, but I found the video's too straightforward and with a simple yet strong narrative. A large majority of pop music video's contain choreographed dance which is used to

I also looked at more abstract music video's such as radiohead 'street spirit' which the video has no link to the song. This is called disjuncture.

Amplification – the conventions demonstrated by the music video ‘auteur’ or creative
director. S/he may use both performance and narrative, however, rather than simplyillustrate the lyrics or sounds this director will ‘amplify’ both with creative interpretation,unusual ideas and surrealistic approaches. There is still a direct link to the song, whetherit be the beat, sound or ‘connotative’ link to part of the lyrics or song title. See SpikeJones’ video for Fat Boy Slim’s ‘Praise You’ or Michel Gondry’s video for Kylie
Minogue’s ‘Come Into My Life’.

Monday, 13 December 2010


You used to have all the answers
And you, you still have them too
And we, we live half in the daytime
And we, we live half at night

Watch things on vcrs
With me and talk about big love
I think we’re superstars
You say you think we are the best thing
And you, you just know
You just do

I wanna find myself by the sea
In anothers company
By the sea
I wanna walk out to the pier
I’m gonna dive and have no fear
Cos you, you just know
You just do

Watch things on vcrs
With me and talk about big love
I think we’re superstars
You say you think we are the best thing
And you, you just know
You just do

Sunday, 12 December 2010


I have chosen to create a music promotion video along with two ancillary tasks:
The two ancillary tasks I have choosen to create are:
CD digipak
A magazine advertisement for release

In order to create this product I first need to research types of music videos and there codes and conventions. To create the ancillary tasks I also need to research Digipaks and artist websites.

Thursday, 9 December 2010

Permission to use song

In order to use music in my music video, I firstly had to ask permission from the record label and artist to use there track in order to avoid any copyright issues. Below is the letter I have sent to the record label:

Tuesday, 7 December 2010



Tick the correct answer

1.Are you..?
Male female

2.How old are you?

0-9 10-16 16-25 25-34 35+

3.What genre of music do you prefer?

Drum & Bass Rock Pop

R&b Punk Alternative

Indie Other

If other please state.........


4) How do you access music?

Youtube Itunes Last Fm

Spotify Myspace


If other please state.................


6. What Music Channel do you watch?

Kerrang Mtv Viva


8. Do you think the video has to be relevant to the song lyrics?

Yes No Don't mind



If other please state..................


Conventions of Indie music video's

Conventions of indie music videos:
  • Tendency to be filmed in black and white
  • The artist is shown at various points throughout the video
  • Dark urban locations
  • Costume reflects song’s genre
  • Colour’s also reflect song’s genre
  • Can show the band performing at a gig
  • Cut between band shots and location shots.
  • Has a separate plot-line which unfolds
  • Close-ups of the band members performing.
  • Close-ups of their guitars and drums.
  • Dark lighting and colours, sometimes completly black and white
  • No vibrant colours.
Indie music is described as independent from major commercial record labels with a self approach of recording and publishing.

Monday, 6 December 2010

Existing XX music video

The XX make predominantly slow, furtive pop music.They recieved a strange recipent in the UK. Their influences have been described as heavy-lidded, theatric and imperfect making The XX different. The XX the xx use a drum machine throughout their song which creates a steady noticible beat.


In order to gather ideas together I needed to create a moodboard. The moodboard will allow me to convey my ideas awell as to help inspire me. Below is the moodboard I created:


Brief for A2 coursework
1. A promotion package for the release of an album, to include a music promotion video, together with two of the following three options:

* A website homepage for the band.
* A cover for its release on DVD, digital package CD/DVD package.
* A magazine advertisement for the DVD

2. A promotion package for a new film, to include a teaser trailer, together with two of the following three options:

* A website homepage for the film.
* A film magazine front cover, featuring the film.
* A poster for the film.

3. An extract from a new documentary TV programme, lasting approximately five minutes, together with two of the three following options:

* A radio trailer for the documentary.
* A double page-spread from a listings magazine focused on the documentary.
* A newspaper advertisement for the documentary.